How to Heal a Marriage Hurt by Addiction

In fact, marriages where one or both partners struggle with addiction are twice as likely to end in divorce than those without this issue. For couples, it is also beneficial to have a shared support system. This could be attending couples therapy or being a part of a sober living community together. Having people who understand the challenges of maintaining sobriety while also being in a committed relationship can provide valuable guidance and encouragement. Just one drink brought up a low hum of brain fog and irritability the next day, and it was more than I wanted to experience. In this trial, it was clear not drinking was working better than only “kinda sorta” drinking.And so that’s why I’ve continued to just not drink.

  • As the partner of an addict in recovery, it is important for you to recognize whether their recovery is going well and decide if you can handle the burden without help.
  • Sobriety means you’re as equipped as you can be to manage any outcome that comes your way.
  • This reflects the shame that lies beneath the caretaking, self-sacrificing, role of being a super-responsible partner – shame that underlies codependency.
  • It will be a challenging journey, but with open communication, trust can slowly be rebuilt.
  • There is also a greater understanding of a partner’s trigger situations, and couples know how to avoid them.
  • This is where Soberlink comes into play, providing the much-needed support to help couples cope with AUD, rebuild trust, and foster healthier dynamics in their relationship.

Setting Boundaries with Family

marriage changes after sobriety

Binge drinking, on the other hand, is defined as drinking to the point of intoxication, often leading to risky behavior but doesn’t necessarily mean the person has AUD. In a marriage, recognizing the signs of AUD can be a life-changing step toward recovery. However, it’s also essential to differentiate AUD from other forms of alcohol use, such as social or binge drinking. This affliction doesn’t discriminate—it can strike any marriage, irrespective of socio-economic status, love, or the strength of the initial bond.

As communication improves, honesty and trust are slowly restored, creating a stronger foundation for the marriage. One of the main effects of addiction on a sober house marriage is the breakdown of trust and communication. Addiction is characterized by secretive and deceptive behavior, leading to a breach of trust in the relationship. This can make it difficult for spouses to communicate openly and honestly with each other, leading to increased conflict and tension within the marriage.

health & wellness

It’s recommended that the supportive partner seeks their own support during the recovery process. You may consider individual therapy or a peer-led support program like Al-Anon. In a relationship affected by substance use, it’s likely that trust has been broken many times. The supportive partner may have learned to walk on eggshells in an attempt to retain peace in the relationship. Many people have a complex relationship with drinking, and I’ve also had to face what not drinking brings up in others.

  • Addicts going through withdrawal are prone to mood swings and may lash out at those close to them.
  • The partner may resent that nights out drinking or using have been replaced with nights at meetings.
  • These groups also offer tools for coping with triggers that could lead to relapse.
  • It is vital for couples to have outside support during this time.
  • Go on dates, be completely honest with one another, and try to treat the marriage as a new relationship.
  • A picture of a sunrise with a snappy caption is an indignity to the couples trying to hold their families together in sobriety.

Start the Journey to Healing and Recovery

It requires strength, patience, and a commitment to recovery that outlasts the toughest days. The road to alcohol recovery often involves multifaceted strategies, including professional therapy, counseling, support groups, and in some cases, medication. The effects of a spouse’s alcohol misuse extend beyond the marital relationship.

For example, up to half of people with substance use disorder have also experienced symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In addition, quitting drugs and alcohol also usually comes with mental health conditions, like anxiety or anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure). The partner in recovery may experience irritability and even have angry outbursts. Tulip Hill is a family-owned rehabilitation center near in Murfreesboro, TN with first-hand experience in addiction recovery. We believe a dual diagnosis approach that treats the mental health conditions underlying addiction is the best route to long-term sobriety.

marriage changes after sobriety

Identifying Healthy Relationships

Additionally, this will benefit the marriage as this new positive outlook and healthy habits rub off on their partner. One way to show your resolve to your recovery plan is by being a role model for others in the recovery community. Your friends and loved ones will see your choices and how your positive influence affects others. Your dedication to self-improvement and addiction recovery will give others a reason to trust your sincerity when you try to repair damaged relationships. Your sobriety is just one part of a much bigger picture.

One challenge that married couples may face is navigating social situations. Parties or events where alcohol or drugs are present can be difficult for those in recovery. Partners should have open communication about how to handle these situations and come up with a plan to support each other. Recovery from addiction is an ongoing journey that requires support from both partners. Having a strong support system in place can make all the difference in maintaining a healthy marriage after rehab. It is also important for each partner to have their own individual boundaries.

So while I taught local girls during the day, he stayed home and tried to figure out what to do with himself. But still, we didn’t really know each other the way you’re traditionally meant to before you go and marry a person. Make sure your expectations for their recovery are realistic.

Do Marriages Last After Rehab?

At least once a month, go out to dinner or participate in a fun activity together. Talk, enjoy each other’s company, and try to rekindle feelings of romance and joy. Their addiction likely didn’t give you much time to do things you enjoyed. Writing out how you feel is cathartic and helps you find the words to talk to your spouse. It may also serve to open the lines of communication damaged by months or years of anger and hurt.

If the person with SUD suddenly isn’t dependent upon their partner to take care of them, this can cause a disruption in the relationship as well. The supportive partner may want to be needed, and feel unhappy, lost, or confused with the new relationship dynamic. Because of the difficult aspects of substance use recovery, the partner in recovery may not initially have the energy to commit to healing the relationship. Some couples can thrive immediately after the addicted partner becomes sober. Codependency can also cause the non-addicted partner to unwittingly enable unhealthy behaviors, which may encourage substance use and addiction.

It takes hard work and perseverance but is achievable with the right approach. Throughout addiction, people often shut out their intimate partners. Therefore, it is crucial to clearly and honestly communicate with one another during recovery. Without transparency and honesty, it will be difficult for the partner to trust again. Addiction is chronic, so having open communication will enable intimate partners to better understand each other and leads to better recovery outcomes.